My very first approach with Open Source Summit was back in October 2018 when I attended the European edition of the Summit in Edinburgh, Scotland. The NA 2019 edition of the conference was held at a coastal hotel by the San Diego Bay. Same as the previous addition that I had attended in the past, Jim Zemlin held the first speech and welcomed everyone and briefly described the agenda for the upcoming days.
As I stated previously on the 1st paragraph of this blogpost, I had three days full of Open Source but definitely there were a few moments that made this experience memorable.
As a Fedora user and contributor, I found most Linux-related sessions very interesting. Although many of them were highly technical and beyond my knowledge, they made me realize that being in the tech industry was the right career path to take. All these amazing things people build that make our everyday life and business simpler and faster!
Overall, once again this was a great experience to have and I had the chance to attend again as a Diversity Scholar for my contributions in the open source ecosystem. I would like to thank the Linux Foundation for the Scholarship and the opportunity they gave myself and all these great people (whom I met in person during at the “Women in Open Source Lunch”) to attend and industry-great summit!